november, 2018

Event Details
Includes video sessions plus Activations CD in MP3 download. This event is recorded on Video so each participant can receive Kimberly’s Blinking Eye Activations Kimberly Meredith channels
Event Details
Includes video sessions plus Activations CD in MP3 download. This event is recorded on Video so each participant can receive Kimberly’s Blinking Eye Activations
Kimberly Meredith channels a DNA Activation and God Consciousness. She does a complete 5th Dimension activation on every person with a special message from the angels. She channels lessons on 3rd to 5th Dimensions and embracing the miracles.
Kimberly honors Mother Mary with Ceremonial prayers and Blessings to all participants. She uses anointing oil and Holy Water.
Assert your intention for peace, expand your awareness, and release what is not serving your highest consciousness. Be guided and empowered to open and explore all sides of your highest self while raising the peace consciousness of today’s world. Participants are taken through a spiritual and energetic 3-step process that integrates the physical experience of breath in order to also engage the body. This expertly designed combination enhance personal insight and healing, resulting in an overall empowering experience.
Kimberly, a world-renowned medical intuitive, faith healer, and channeler speaks prayers channeled by God, the Holy Spirit, and the Saints. Activate Through the process of channeling, chanting prayers and activating light energy. Kimberly assists in awakening the Spirit and healing energies within others.
Kimberly, a Spiritual Activist, speaks about how we can embrace the 12th Dimension, and fill our body with trust, love, and light. She is guided by the Holy Spirit to channel about how we can raise global consciousness by understanding that God is not religion.
Kimberly will channel information about the consciousness and shifting of humanity, moving into 12D and avoiding spiritual warfare. EVERYONE receives blessing and a shift in consciousness. Kimberly channels The Holy Spirit on learning to live in the “3rd Dimension while excepting and shifting into the 12th Dimension and surrendering into the miracles.”
All participants will feel the 12th Dimensional consciousness of God and will be receiving this energy the entire time.
This event is an online video conference where you will see the video of Kimberly Meredith. She offers a video session of her blinking eyes to activate you into Higher Dimensional Consciousness. Kimberly will also offer personal scans for those who have video camera access. Zoom Video works on smartphones (via the Zoom App) and on all computers (no need for an access code or downloading software). Most smartphones and laptop computers have video cameras built-in. It is not necessary for you to show your face on a video camera, as you will see the activations from Kimberly’s eyes. You can also join us by phone.
For those attendees who have video camera capability, Kimberly will scan you by video view for personal readings. All upgrades and activations by Kimberly to the group and in-person are for the Highest good of all and raise the frequency of the entire group.
(Saturday) 11:00 am