june, 2020

Event Details
Join Kimberly Meredith and Kenji Kumara for this very special interactive online webinar event to help you access the healing energy of Mother Mary! Kimberly will be
Event Details
Join Kimberly Meredith and Kenji Kumara for this very special interactive online webinar event to help you access the healing energy of Mother Mary!
Kimberly will be joined by world-renowned spiritual leader, psychic, medium, and energy healer Kenji Kumara! Together, Kimberly and Kenji will channel Mother Mary to help bring healing to everyone attending this amazing online interactive event!
Register Here Today with Your Love Donation!
Thank You for Your Donation!
Miracle Healings
Kimberly will perform many medical intuitive scans and healings to be witnessed live by everyone attending this miraculous online event. Kimberly will receive and relay coded information from her Guides, communicated through her blinking eyes. Kimberly will act as a vessel to transmit healing scalar energy from The Holy Divine to heal you.
By calling on Mother Mary, everyone attending will receive a blessing. Kimberly invites you to bring rose oil or any scent you like.
By witnessing these healings, you can learn to move more easily into the new paradigm of miraculous grace.
During this amazing event, Kenji will also receive and reveal miraculous transmissions from Mother Mary and present special messages for everyone in attendance! Kenji will also lead all attendees in powerful guided Mother Mary prayer-activations.
Everyone attending will also receive many blessings!
Concluding the event, Kimberly and Kenji will offer a Q&A session where all attendees can ask questions and receive answers channeled through these two world-renowned and gifted spiritual practitioners. Be sure to have your best questions ready!
About Kenji Kumara
Joining Kimberly Meredith for this amazing interactive online event is Kenji Kumara, recognized worldwide as a spiritual catalyst and the creator of Quantum Lightweaving. Kenji serves as a “channel-holder and initiator” of expanded grounded awareness who provides a vibrational space for one’s awakening, self empowered healing and soul mastery.
With academic training in Education, Psychology and the healing arts, Kenji serves as a facilitator of consciousness to assist those who wish to explore their personal path of illumination and awaken to their Soul’s destiny and life purpose.
Upon attending one of Kenji’s intensive retreats and online series, many have reported profound life changes and clarity on their life purpose. Many receive on-going benefits such as stress relief, reversal of physical conditions and reduction and elimination of worry, anxiety and self doubt.
A Japanese-American born in Berkeley, California, Kenji Kumara is is at heart an esoteric philosopher and one who studies the “Science of the Soul.” Kenji provides insight into the nature of Consciousness and the energies behind Creation and the laws of Manifestation and Healing. At age 5, he first asked his mother, “Who Am I?” — and thus began his search for the meaning of his destiny.
Kenji is a Channel for ascended energies and has dedicated his lifelong spiritual journey of 50 years to the exploration of Quantum consciousness and the evolution of the Soul. He has studied with some of the leading-edge thinkers of our time and has integrated spiritual psychology, medical hypnotherapy, holistic education, trans-personal counseling and the transformational healing arts into his practice in Asheville, North Carolina.
Kenji is a leading-edge visionary and navigator in the field of energy consciousness and acts as a bridge to the quantum and serves as an activator for everyone ready to spiritually awaken and emerge into their true nature. He works as a catalyst to help guide people into New-Earth Consciousness and the understanding of their spiritual potential. He lives a normal life and teaches without boundaries and categorization
Known for his ability to keep it simple, effortless, and easy with his humorous and grounded style, Kenji continues to attract those in search of higher-awareness and self-mastery. He has been highly praised for his unique ability to help people understand their life’s purpose and experience their true destiny.
Kenji’s website is https://kenjikumara.com
Claim Your Seat!
Thank You for Your Donation!
Lots of amazing information will be revealed in this exciting online event. You won’t want to miss this amazing opportunity.
This class is an informative, ground-breaking event featuring exclusive information not available anywhere else! Bring your best questions and Kimberly’s Guides will answer you through Kimberly’s mediumship.
Please have your questions ready to be answered at the end of class by Kimberly’s Guides!
Also please know you can record this event and replays will be available.
(Saturday) 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm