september, 2017
Event Details
Barbara Slaine Endorsement: “My skype session with Kimberly not only revealed the depth of her connection with The Holy Spirit, Mother Mary and the team of the 12th Dimension
Event Details
Barbara Slaine Endorsement:
“My skype session with Kimberly not only revealed the depth of her connection with The Holy Spirit, Mother Mary and the team of the 12th Dimension but the love, purity, and grace of the channeled information and healing, permeated my body, with a high vibration of light and love. Kimberly’s purity and authentic connection results in what we all are looking for which is a real connection, love, and healing.”
“We are so blessed to have Kimberly Meredith, world renowned healer who channels The Holy Spirit, God, specifically Mother Mary and angels and spirit guide Edgar Cayce. The combination of prayers, chanting and light activation awakens the spirit within and stimulates healing energies. Kimberly encourages you to connect to the 12th Dimension to rest and heal in God’s light.”
“Kimberly, as a medical intuitive, scans the state of your physical body and through surgical hands-on healing or laying-on hands, which has healed and helped thousands, performs a healing, removing tumors, restoring hearing, and curing dis-ease. Recently, Kimberly was featured as a Trance Channeler in a pilot for an upcoming series, ‘Super Consciousness’, alongside Deepak Chopra and Paul Selig, as well as being featured in publications, radio shows, etc.”
Kimberly’s spirit guide is Edgar Cayce, the father of holistic medicine, a Medical Intuitive and the most documented psychic of the 20th century. Edgar is guiding Kimberly to carry out his work in holistic medicine and push God’s presence to the forefront. Kimberly often resembles a New Age “Mary Baker Eddy” and carries out her faith of Christian Science views.
The basis of her work revolves around the simple concept that anger and negative energy causes disease. The 3rd Dimensional DNA particle of anger can enter into everything we touch, including food and water.
Displaying some abilities as a young child and surviving multiple near death experiences, in 2012, Kimberly was struck by a car while on foot. It was uncertain if she would walk again. Kimberly decided to put 100% of her faith into God for her healing. Since then, Kimberly’s gifts have rapidly emerged and continue to lead to many miraculous healing.
With gifts of the Holy Spirit, Kimberly’s hands guide her blinking eyes while she acts as a human MRI/X-ray and scans the entire body to find negative energy and disease. During the scan, she has the ability to find trapped emotional pain encapsulated in the body and can detect any traumas the body has suffered from birth up until the present. When everything is well in the body, the left eye blinks. When the right eye blinks, there is a problem within the body. Both of Kimberly’s eyes will blink simultaneously when all is in spiritual and physical balance within the body.
At healing events, Kimberly is guided to those who are chosen to receive healing. These individuals are selected by the etheric angel language and angelic hand gestures. If Kimberly’s teeth chatter, it could mean extreme pain is felt within the body or she will tap on her palms how many years since the person had a devastating injury. From these signals, she will know that is the person God, the angels and her guides have selected.
Through the sign language ability of her hands in motion and her blinking eyes, along with the permission of the client and acceptance of the Holy Spirit, she receives messages from God and the angels to assist you in completely resolving lifelong trauma.
Kimberly, a Spiritual Activist, speaks about how we can embrace the 12th Dimension, and fill our body with trust, love, and light. She is guided by the Holy Spirit to channel about how we can raise global consciousness by understanding that God is not religion.
Kimberly Meredith’s spiritual teachings and channeling from the Holy Spirit event details for The Liphe Balance Center and The Church of St. Paul & St. Andrews.
The evening begins with Kimberly channeling information about the consciousness and shifting of humanity, moving into 12D and avoiding spiritual warfare. Kimberly is guided through the room, laying her hands, as spirit picks those to receive healings. EVERYONE receives blessing and a shift in consciousness as they witness miracles.
- Kimberly channels The Holy Spirit on learning to live in the “3rd Dimension while excepting and shifting into the 12th Dimension and surrendering into the miracles.”
- Kimberly demonstrates her unique mediumship by picking out several participants that are chosen through The Holy Spirit and the angels with the spoken word of the angelic realm. These individuals will be selected by the etheric angel language and angelic hand gestures relayed to Kimberly to receive a medical intuitive scan.
- Kimberly will then be guided to do a medical intuitive scan. If the participant is willing, she will be guided to lay-on hands or do a surgical hands-on healing.
- All participants in the room will feel the 12th Dimensional consciousness of God, and will be receiving this energy the entire time.
- Kimberly does a ceremonial prayer guided by the Holy Spirit. Each participant is blessed by her hands with holy water and anointing oil.
Schedules and Locations
Note, each portion of the tour has a separate registration fee.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Barbara Slaine
The Liphe Balance Center (Show on Map)
36 Michaels Way, Weston, CT 06883
Doors open at 7:00 pm.
Starts at 7:30pm – 10:00pm.
At Capacity
Sunday, September 24 through Tuesday, September 26
Kimberly Meredith Private Medical Intuitive Scans and Healing Sessions
The Liphe Balance Center
36 Michaels Way, Weston, CT 06883
*Registration and payment are required first. Once payment is made, you will be able to schedule your session with Kimberly.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew (Show on Map)
263 W. 86th Street, New York, NY 10024 (entrance on West End Avenue)
Doors open at 7:00 pm.
Starts at 7:30pm – 10:00pm.
Donations also accepted at door. No one will be turned away.
Alan Steinfeld, New York-based Entrepreneur, Producer & Founder of New Realities Media
For all inquiries regarding this tour, please contact Alan Steinfeld at 917.553.5294
Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30, 2017
Kimberly Meredith Medical Intuitive Scans and Healing Sessions
La Casa Day Spa and Wellness Center (Show on Map)
41 East 20th Street, New York, NY 10003 (between Park Avenue and Broadway)
*Registration and payment are required first. There are no refunds. Once payment is made, you will be able to schedule your session with Kimberly.
To read more about Kimberly Meredith and her process, you can read testimonials, interviews and listen to radio interviews at
Thank you.
Questions or Inquiries
For all inquiries regarding this tour, please contact the Producer, Alan Steinfeld, at 917.553.5294
september 23 (Saturday) - 30 (Saturday)