april, 2022

Event Details
Kimberly’s Guides will select multiple attendees to receive medical mediumship health readings for all manner of medical conditions,
Event Details
Kimberly’s Guides will select multiple attendees to receive medical mediumship health readings for all manner of medical conditions, both physical and emotional. Kimberly will be delivering messages from your loved ones who have crossed over.
Kimberly and her Guides will then create a 5th-dimensional healing grid, supercharged by Christ Consciousness and the sacred Feminine Divine energy, calling in Divine healing through miraculous prayers to bring powerful healing energy to benefit you and all attendees!
Kimberly will also welcome your questions regarding consciousness and how to elevate yourself into the 5th dimension.
During this powerful interactive online webinar healing event:
- We will collectively call on the 5th Dimension to strengthen everyone attending this special online gathering
- You and all attendees will learn to embody their sacred Divinity of the Omnipresent
- Q&A for questions and answers will be offered about awakening your own spiritual gifts and mediumship abilities
- Kimberly’s Guides will select multiple attendees to receive medical mediumship health readings for all manner of medical conditions, both physical and emotional.
- Kimberly will be delivering messages from your loved ones who have crossed over.
This powerful interactive online healing event will surround and penetrate everyone in attendance within a 5th Dimensional healing grid supercharged by Christ Consciousness.
We look forward to welcoming you to this amazing healing mediumship event!
Replays will be available.
About Kimberly Meredith
Bestselling author KIMBERLY MEREDITH’S new book, AWAKENING TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION: DISCOVERING THE SOUL’S PATH TO HEALING (St. Martin’s Press Essentials (US), Penguin Random House (audiobook), Hay House (UK)), is now a bestselling book on Amazon and available online and nationwide at Barnes & Noble, Target, Walmart, Books-A-Million, Bookshop, IndieBound, Powell’s, and other fine literary retailers.
Kimberly is a world-renowned medical medium, healer, and speaker. With her remarkable abilities, she has helped thousands of people and animals to improve from all manner of medical and emotional conditions by calling in the Divine and Christ Consciousness. Kimberly can also connect with those who have crossed over to bring messages to the living.
Kimberly received her miraculous healing gifts from the Holy Spirit following two Near Death Experiences (NDEs), during which she was blessed with an incredible encounter with God.
Through her healing mediumship and blinking eyes, Kimberly can see into the body faster and more accurately than the fastest MRI and thermography machines, accurately detecting all manner of medical conditions.
Kimberly also possesses the ability to emit healing Scalar energy – even through walls – as measured by Dr. Norm Shealy during scientific testing to validate Kimberly’s abilities. She has also been tested by the PSYtek Subtle Energy Laboratory and at the famed IONS Institute of Noetic Sciences, founded by Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell.
Currently, Kimberly hosts the #1 rated radio program, The Medical Intuitive Miracle Show heard on KCAA and iHeartRadio.
Kimberly has recently been a guest on Wake Up With Marci -WLNY CBS TV, The Donna Drake Show-Syndicated, Carlos & Lisa Show -Beond TV, Coast To Coast AM with George Noory, The Aware Show, Melissa Billie Clark Show and more. She has also been featured in dozens of magazines including recent issues of Preferred Health Magazine, The Eden Magazine, The Edge Magazine and Women Fitness. She has also been a featured keynote speaker at various major expositions.
To order Kimberly’s new book, or for more information, please visit her website.
Kimberly Meredith offers many individually personalized services for adults, children and animals both in person at her Los Angeles office and on Skype.
For more information on Kimberly Meredith:
Website: www.TheHealingTrilogy.com
Instagram: @Meredith.Kimberly
Press: Turk@TurkEntertainmentPR.com
(Thursday) 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm