may, 2019

Event Details
Kimberly Meredith is a Medical Intuitive, Trance Channeler, Psychic Surgeon, and Spiritual Teacher. Blessed with a unique array
Event Details
Kimberly Meredith is a Medical Intuitive, Trance Channeler, Psychic Surgeon, and Spiritual Teacher. Blessed with a unique array of extraordinary healing and psychic abilities, Kimberly is quickly gaining recognition as one of the world’s most gifted Medical Mediumship Healers and foremost Spiritual Speakers.
Many individuals who are in need of physical or emotional help are encouraged to attend. We are non–denominational. Many chants and prayers are encouraged around the room. We believe this encourages the power of the divine healing of the 12th dimension.
Through her healing mediumship and blinking eyes, Kimberly is directed by God to perform laying-on of hands or psychic surgery. She can “scan” or see into the body faster and more accurately than the fastest MRI and thermography machines. Kimberly has healed and helped many thousands of people, removing tumors, restoring hearing, curing cancer, correcting immobility, and completely healing people of many types of physical and emotional disease through the Holy Spirit. Kimberly leads miraculous worldwide healing events during which many are healed.
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Special Presentation by
Shanna Lee
Personal Coach and Energetic Frequency Expert and Author

Photo by Bradford Rogne Photography
Shanna Lee is a personal coach and energetic frequency expert. She is the #1 Best Selling author of The Soul Frequency: Your Healthy, Awakened and Authentic Life and the founder of and The Soul Frequency Show podcast, leading the conversation on raising your energy frequency and creating a life founded on truth and alignment. She is a speaker, businesswoman, and consultant to executives of Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, influencers, and fashion industry experts. With over two decades of experience in sales, marketing, and business development coupled with her intuitive gift of insight, she is an expert in leading purpose-driven individuals and supporting the development of their core mission from the ground up. Shanna Lee has been featured in Awareness Magazine and the international docuseries, Depression and Anxiety Secrets. She is a contributor to Medium, Tiny Buddha, and Elephant Journal and has been featured in numerous podcasts and international radio shows.
The Healing Power of The Truth
Join us as we discover the infinite potential for healing the mind, emotions and body through alignment with our own personal truth. Shanna Lee will share her four step process of energetic alchemy, which connects us back to our own unique energetic fingerprint, The Soul Frequency. Through the powerful portal of truth, we release the past, and experience greater health, happiness and fulfillment.
In the session, you will hear about:
- Healing through truth and alignment
- The four steps of energetic alchemy
- How to connect with your Soul Frequency
- Tools to create a healthy, happy and fulfilling life
Purpose and Vision
The Healing Trilogy proudly welcomes all people of all backgrounds to join us in Immense Grace and Peace to Empower others in Prayer and Healing. We invite you to join us in Witnessing the Awakening to Worldwide Peace, Healing, Love and Harmony. We are here to help you awaken your Gifts. Come together to Unite as One in Love and Gratitude. We believe God is Love.
Come join our Spiritual Service for a wonderful afternoon that will include:
- Channeled Mediumship Teachings from the Holy Spirit on God Consciousness
- Readings from Various sacred Bibles and teachings of yoganada
- Unique New Channeled Teachings for Each Service
- Tools for surviving in a 3rd Dimensional World
- Witness the 5th Dimensional Miracles
- Laying-On of Hands with Audience Participation
- Live Musical Performances
- Ormus Cream available for Purchase
We ask for a $30 minimum donation for this AMAZING SERVICE to help support future services!! We greatly appreciate any additional donations to support the continued success of our growing non-profit. No one will be turned away! Live Streaming is free!
I can’t wait to see you all in person! Come join me in witnessing the Holy Miracles that God has in store for us all!
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Kimberly’s Special Guests!
You won’t want to miss this great lineup of presenters, vendors, authors and musicians…
Steven Dempsey
Musical Composer
Steve Dempsey musical composer was first introduced to the piano when he was about 4 or 5 years old and instantly felt a special bond and calling to play music. He enjoys composing his own music and feels the influence from all genres and styles. He went into college and came out with a BA degree in Music, as well as, played in the university jazz band that played with special guest artists like Grammy Award winning Poncho Sanchez, John Clayton Jr, and Anne Patterson. After college, Steve sold his first composition and music recording to well-known medium, John J. Oliver, who still uses that recording to this day over 20 years later. Steve is now a member of the Los Angeles based classic rock and original band ‘CORE’ and all original Jazz Rock Groove band ‘Zen Junky Project.’ Steve has a sample of his music on Soundcloud, as Steve Dempsey2, and multiple videos with CORE live performances from various events around the Los Angeles area. When Steve is not playing music, he is at work as Property Master for the long-time running daytime soap “Days of Our Lives” or at home spending time with his wife and two children.
KJ is an LA based singer/songwriter with a unique blend of sounds ranging from 50s doo wop to 70s soul. His simplistic yet sophisticated writing style allows for powerful messages to be delivered with ease. The purpose of his music is to connect to the heart, to Universal Love, and uplift those it touches. KJ is currently recording his debut studio album which is set to release in 2019. You can follow him on Instagram @kevjoelove
Douglas Taylor
Douglas Taylor is a multi-talented visionary artist, author, speaker, surfer and home builder. During much of his youth, he was a surfer traveling around the world searching for that elusive perfect wave. He never quite found that perfect wave but his travels stimulated his adventurous spirit. He developed a profound appreciation of nature and its healing and rejuvenating effects in his life. In 1978, on one of his surfing trips to the Caribbean Island of Puerto Rico, Douglas experienced a life-changing psychic encounter, finding himself inside a starship and telepathically communicating with its extraterrestrial occupants. They were human in appearance and seemed to radiate a beautiful light and sense of peace. He felt a new surge of excitement and expansion of mind, far more than he ever thought he would. I am very excited to have Doug’s work a the Woman’s Matter Health service.
Future Spiritual Service Healing Events
- Saturday, June 22, 2019, 2:00pm – 5:00pm PT
- Saturday, July 27, 2019, 2:00pm – 5:00pm PT
Unitarian Universalist Community Church
1260 18th St, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Directions to Church:
*Accessibility: Those with mobility concerns can be safely dropped off at the Church, where there is a wheelchair ramp.
Free Parking
Everyone attending receives free covered parking at the UCLA hospital parking structure near the Church, compliments of The Healing Trilogy. It’s just a quick 4 minute walk. Ask the attendant at the entrance of the parking structure for a free parking pass. They can also point you toward the Church. DO NOT PARK ALONG ANY SIDE STREETS. YOU WILL BE TICKETED.
Parking Structure information:
UCLA Hospital Parking Structure
1311 16th St.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: (424) 259-9100
Note: Please do not park in green parking spaces, which are reserved for UCLA hospital staff doctors
Directions to Parking Structure:
Directions from Parking Structure to Church:
Blessed Ormus Cream for Purchase at Events
So many have been asking me about Ormus, a specially-created cream that promotes healing, and with which many of my clients have experienced good results. Great News! I’m happy to announce that *everyone who comes to any of my my Spiritual Services can receive an anointing of Blessed Ormus Cream!*
For those wishing to take some Ormus home, we will have a limited quantity of Blessed Ormus Cream jars available for purchase for $60. My exclusive line of Blessed Ormus Cream has been personally prayed over by me, infused with God’s Healing Energy, and confirmed by the Guides as beneficial. If you too would like some Blessed Ormus Cream, come join me at my Spiritual Services! My Blessed Ormus Cream is currently available *only at my events and nowhere else.* Supplies are limited and may sell out!
Kimberly Meredith is a Medical Intuitive, Trance Channeler, Psychic Surgeon, Hands-on Healer, and Spiritual Teacher. Blessed with a unique array of extraordinary healing and psychic abilities, Kimberly is quickly gaining recognition as one of the world’s most gifted Medical Mediumship Healers and foremost Spiritual Speakers. Kimberly channels messages through her eyes’ blinking codes as a tool of communication from God, Mother Mary, Ascended Masters, and Angels. Kimberly is often compared to Edgar Cayce, the Father of Holistic Medicine, a Medical Intuitive, and the most documented psychic of the 20th Century.
To better understand her abilities, Kimberly was recently invited to undergo testing with Dr. Norm C. Shealy, founder of the American Holistic Medical Association, and a neurosurgeon with over 45 years spent working with spiritual healers. The proof is in the testing. The results were profound. Dr. Shealy’s tests of Kimberly recorded her ability to heal even through walls. Dr. Shealy concluded that Kimberly appears to emit scalar energy, a unique type of energy associated with genius inventor Nikola Tesla. In 2017, Kimberly was selected by PsyTek Subtle Energy Laboratory and Research Facility to undergo ongoing tests to further understand the inner workings of her talents. After participating in multiple double-blind scientific studies, Kimberly’s healing abilities are beginning to reveal the convergence of God, Spirituality, and science.
Kimberly is a highly-regarded frequent guest on numerous nationally-syndicated radio shows and podcasts, where she demonstrates her healing Medical Mediumship for people listening around the world. Many have been healed simply by listening to the sound of her voice on radio and Youtube.
Kimberly has also been featured in numerous major publications, including Thrive Global, The New York Daily News, NEWLIFE Magazine, Whole Life Times Magazine, and on the front covers of Awareness Magazine and The Life Connection Magazine.
A healer like no other, Kimberly Meredith bridges the gap between God and science.
(Saturday) 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm PST