february, 2018

201809feballday12alldayKimberly Meredith at the 16th Annual Conscious Life ExpoKimberly Meredith - Medical intuitive who channels the Holy Spirit - is excited to return to the 16th annual Conscious Life Expo February 9th – 12th, 2018.(All Day) PST Hilton Los Angeles Airport (LAX Hilton), 5711 West Century Boulevard

Conscious Life Expo

Event Details

At the Expo we bring together people, ideas, products and possibility over a jam-packed 4 days to feast the mind and body and deepen our connection to spirit. Additional opportunities include purchasing a 12 Dimensional healing meditation CD at my booth and a fun raffle drawing for free personal sessions via Skype.

Streaming Option

Can’t make the event in person? The 16th annual Conscious Life Expo is very excited to live stream all presentations held in the La Jolla, Los Angeles B and the Plaza Ballroom. Viewable on any device!

Purchase Individual Streaming Ticket


Friday, February 9
No additional times remaining. Additional Timeslots will be available during the Expo at Kimberly’s Booth (M15).

Additional timeslots will be made available throughout the expo. To sign up for a personal session while onsite, stop by Booth M15. Availability is first come, first serve. If you have pre-registered for a private session on Friday, February 9th, a representative from The Healing Trilogy will meet you in the lobby of Hotel to check you in.

“Medical Intuitive Who Channels The Holy Spirit”

Saturday, February 10
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Room: Century C

Kimberly begins the event channeling about her Near Death Experience. Kimberly gives an in-depth channel on living in the “3rd Dimension while accepting and shifting into the 5th Dimension, and surrendering into the miracles.” Kimberly demonstrates her unique mediumship through etheric angel language, using sound, hand gestures and sign language.  If her teeth chatter, it could mean extreme pain is felt within the body; or she will tap on her palms how many years since the person had a devastating injury or disease. She is guided to do medical intuitive scans and healings through the Holy Spirit. Then by laying-on of hands, using holy water and anointing oil, with channeling the divine power of God, you may be healed. All participants in the room will feel the awakening of God consciousness. The angels select individuals to assist her with prayer on those receiving healing. You will experience miraculous healings at this event.


“Teachings From the Holy Spirit and Laying on of Hands”
Sunday, February 11
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Room: Los Angeles B

Kimberly will channel teachings from the Holy Spirit and speak about how to live in a multi-dimensional world. You will learn spiritual tools on how we can empower ourselves against spiritual warfare by grounding ourselves and embracing God consciousness. Kimberly demonstrates her unique mediumship by identifying several participants chosen through the Holy Spirit using sound, hand gestures and sign language.

Kimberly will ignite the hands, and crown chakras, of all participants in the workshop, activating each person’s DNA to help awaken their gifts. While the participants that were previously selected by Kimberly’s angels will be receiving healing, everyone will have a chance to help with laying-on of hands-on workshop participants.

Kimberly’s angels will deliver a message to the group of who they want participants to lay hands on.This is a powerful activation. Many chants and prayers are encouraged around the reiki tables and all will be assisted by Kimberly and the Holy Spirit.

This event will also include the Healing Trilogy Guest Support Team.


“Healer Mediumship Panel” Hosted by Alan Steinfeld
Sunday, February 11
2:30 pm – 4:30 pm


“Receiving the Miraculous Miracles”
Monday, February 12
2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Room: Century A

Kimberly begins the event with a channeled introduction about her Near Death Experience (NDE). She then gives an in-depth channeling on living in the 3rd Dimension, while being healed in the 12th Dimension (God Consciousness). Kimberly will channel information about consciousness, the shifting of humanity, moving into 12D and eliminating spiritual warfare.

Kimberly demonstrates her unique mediumship by identifying several participants chosen through the Holy Spirit and the angelic realm using sound, hand gestures and sign language. This is relayed to Kimberly who will then be guided to do a medical intuitive scan, lay-on-hands, or do a surgical hands-on healing. Next, all participants in the room will be guided to stand and join in the 12th Dimensional consciousness (a quantum field) of the Holy Spirit. with a channeled and guided meditation by Kimberly.

Kimberly Meredith honors Mother Mary. In closing, all participants will receive a ceremonial prayer with blessings, anointing oil and holy water. This will be a truly miraculous event.

Register at the Conscious Life Expo Website


Kimberly Meredith LA Conscious ExpoKimberly Is a Medical Intuitive, Trance Channeler, Surgical Hands-on Healer, Preacher with gifts of the Holy Spirit. With a growing worldwide reputation, Kimberly is a vessel for the healing energy of God, and many ascended masters, Mother Mary, and angels. Through surgical hands-on healing and or laying on of hands, Kimberly has healed and helped thousands of people. She has removed tumors, restored hearing, cured cancer, corrected immobility and completely rid the body of diseases during healing events and private sessions through the Holy Spirit.

Kimberly, as a medical intuitive, scans the state of your physical body and through hands-on healing, which has healed and helped thousands, performs a healing, removing tumors, restoring hearing, and curing dis-ease.

Recently, Kimberly was featured as a Trance Channeler in a pilot for an upcoming series, ‘Super Consciousness’, alongside Deepak Chopra and Paul Selig, as well as being featured in publications, radio shows, etc.

At healing events, Kimberly is guided to those who are chosen to receive healing. These individuals are selected by the etheric angel language and angelic hand gestures. If Kimberly’s teeth chatter, it could mean extreme pain is felt within the body or she will tap on her palms how many years since the person had a devastating injury. From these signals, she will know that is the person God, the angels and her guides have selected.

  • Kimberly channels the Holy Spirit on learning to live in the “3rd Dimension while excepting and shifting into the 12th Dimension and surrendering into the miracles.”
  • Kimberly demonstrates her unique mediumship by picking out several participants that are chosen through the Holy Spirit and the angels with the spoken word of the angelic realm. These individuals will be selected by the etheric angel language and angelic hand gestures relayed to Kimberly to receive a medical intuitive scan.
  • Kimberly will then be guided to do a medical intuitive scan. If the participant is willing, she will be guided to lay-on-hands or do a surgical hands-on healing.
  • All participants in the room will feel the 12th Dimensional consciousness of God, and will be receiving this energy the entire time.
  • Kimberly does a ceremonial prayer guided by the Holy Spirit. Each participant is blessed by her hands with holy water and anointing oil.

“At this time in our evolution, so many talented healers are coming forward to help shift the planetary vibration and send higher healing energies to our bodies.  Kimberly Meredith is one of the most gifted.  Her connection to source is one of the most powerful I have witnessed.  There is nothing she shies away from.   She calls on the Holy Spirit, the angelic order and her own loving heart to help all those that are in need.  Seeing her work is a true gift.” 

– Alan Steinfeld of New Realities

Register at the Conscious Life Expo Website


february 9 (Friday) - 12 (Monday) PST


Hilton Los Angeles Airport (LAX Hilton)

5711 West Century Boulevard

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