december, 2021

Event Details
Note: If you are are an Angel Club member, be sure to login to your
Event Details
Note: If you are are an Angel Club member, be sure to login to your account to register for this class for no additional charge.
Join Kimberly and her special guests – “The Four Earth Angels” Medium Kelley, Medium Cheryl, Medium Kat, plus Jobie Summer from Young Living Essential oils team – for this beautiful “virtual holiday party” combined event. 2.5 hours in all, with the last half hour (approx.) being holiday party games, fun and high vibe seasonal music. Back by popular demand! Kimberly’s Santa giveaway prizes – also each guest has special giveaways! healing/mediumship gift certificates!
Don’t miss out on this holiday joy and share with your friends!
This year’s theme will be “Attitude of Gratitude” – so perfect for The Holidays. Kimberly Meredith exudes love and gratitude – it is part of her very being! Her team, Sister and clients alike will attest to the fact that she is a role model when it comes to expressing gratitude. Join us to find out just why this is so important to her, and what it brings to her life and the lives of others. Learn how to attract abundance into your life like Kimberly, through celebrating what you already have.
- How grateful do you consider yourself?
- Are you a “glass half full” or a “glass half empty” type of person?
- Where in your body do you feel the emotion of gratitude?
- How do you, and others around you express gratitude (or not!)?
- What are your own observations around gratitude at this time of year?
- Why it is SO important to adopt “an attitude of gratitude”?
This interactive and fun session will help us all reflect, and gain some 5th Dimensional (and above!) insights into:
- Gratitude as vibration
- High vibrational emotions in the 5th Dimension
- How to start feeling more grateful, and learn to express it
- How to recognise the blessings in your life
- How being grateful affects your energy, and those of others
- How being around grateful people affects YOUR energy!
- Learn how gratitude is a key factor in your ability to manifest!
- How an attitude of gratitude energetically helps you attract abundance
- Remembering to be grateful to God/Source
- Gratitude lists and journals – types/benefits
Improve YOUR ability to embrace and enjoy life to the maximum!
Includes gratitude meditation, questions, answers, discussion and simple exercises to help you explore this important topic. What would YOU like to ask Kimberly about gratitude in the 5th Dimension? Join us for this timely and informative event, and stay on for the after-party to get you well and truly in the Holiday spirit. Kimberly will make it her mission to end the event with you feeling you have so much to be grateful for.
In closing, Kimberly will take a multitude of prayer requests and infuse everyone with the essence of Christ Consciousness, the Ascended Masters and Mother Mary. The event will end with a beautiful closing prayer and Holiday blessing for all.
When you purchase your ticket, we would LOVE you to attend live for maximum enjoyment. You will receive free on demand access to the recording of this high vibrational event even if you can’t make the date. It also means you can listen again to the information, tips and exercises provided around this event’s particular theme.
If you are an Angel Club member, you can access this event and our library of recordings for free. This party is our club highlight of the year!
Note: If you are are an Angel Club member, be sure to login to your account to register for this class for no additional charge.
– free access to this this Angel Club event
– free access to all past Angel Club events
– free access to all upcoming Angel Club events for a full year!
(Saturday) 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm