Join internationally acclaimed medical mediumship healer Kimberly Meredith for this exclusive continuing series of exciting interactive online mediumship webinars!
Kimberly’s Guides will select multiple attendees to receive medical mediumship health readings for all manner of medical conditions, both physical and emotional.
Kimberly and her Guides will then create a 5th-dimensional healing grid, supercharged by Christ Consciousness and the sacred Feminine Divine energy, calling in Divine healing through miraculous prayers to bring powerful healing energy to benefit you and all attendees!
Kimberly will also welcome your questions regarding consciousness and how to elevate yourself into the 5th dimension.
During this powerful interactive online webinar healing event:
- You and all attendees will be elevated into a 5th dimensional healing grid blessed by Christ Consciousness and Mother Mary
- You and all attendees will receive a special prayer of blessing
- We will collectively call on Mother Mary to strengthen everyone attending this special online gathering
- You and all attendees will learn to embody their sacred Divinity
- Q&A for questions and answers will be offered
Kimberly’s Guides will select multiple attendees to receive medical mediumship health readings for all manner of medical conditions, both physical and emotional.
This powerful interactive online healing event will surround and penetrate everyone in attendance within a 5th Dimensional healing grid supercharged by Christ Consciousness and the sacred Feminine Divine energy as embodied by Mother Mary.
You and all participants will feel the 12th Dimensional consciousness of God, and will receive this Divine energy the entire time. Everyone is encouraged to pray and chant throughout the entire process in encouragement of others, thereby co-creating a powerful healing grid to benefit all attendees.
We look forward to welcoming you to this amazing healing mediumship event!
Kimberly will give readings to as many audience members as the guides can. It’s amazing to witness the messages of Divine spirit.
If you would like to dive deeper into your own unique circumstances, and tap into the channeled wisdom of Kimberly’s higher-dimensional Guides, Kimberly will be available for one-on-one mediumship sessions, which can be booked here.
About Kat Divine
Kat Divine is a psychic medium, a messenger and healer between the seen and unseen worlds. She has been called the “Alignment Master” releasing blocks, limitations and helping individuals and groups shine their light. Certified as a Spiritual Practitioner and Psychic Medium, she is also a pet communicator, transformational spiritual life coach and LMT. Kat’s well rounded and advanced abilities connecting to the spirit world have given her clients incredible validation, healing, peace and clarity. She is a best-selling co-author of The Last Breath Book and can be heard as a guest speaker on the Hay House Radio Show with James Van Praagh, “Use Your Intuition To Tune Into Your Pet!” Kat is vetted and tested as a credible and legitimate member of Bob Olson’s Best Psychic Directory. All appointments and upcoming events with Kat can be found on her website.
About Kimberly Meredith
Kimberly Meredith is a world-renowned medical medium and healer. After two Near Death Experiences (NDEs), she experienced an incredible encounter with God and received miraculous healing gifts from the Holy Spirit. Through her healing mediumship and blinking eyes, she can “scan” or see into the body faster and more accurately than the fastest MRI and thermography machines, accurately detecting all manner of medical conditions. Kimberly also possesses the ability to emit healing Scalar energy even through walls, as measured by Dr. Norm Shealy during scientific testing to validate Kimberly’s abilities. She has also been tested by the PSYtek subtle energy Laboratory and at the famed IONS Institute of Noetic Sciences Institute, founded by Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell. Having healed many thousands through the Holy Spirit, Kimberly Meredith bridges the gap between God and science.
Kimberly hosts the #1-rated syndicated radio hit, The Medical Intuitive Miracle Show, streaming on and iHeartRadio.
She is also a frequent guest on numerous nationally-syndicated radio shows and podcasts. Kimberly has also been featured on the front covers of numerous major publications.
You can follow Kimberly on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and her YouTube channel.