Healthy Medical Intuitive Healing Package
This unique Healthy Medical Intuitive Healing Package offers powerful life-changing insights in 3 of Kimberly Meredith’s most popular videos, available on demand immediately after ordering.
This unique Healthy Medical Intuitive Healing Package offers powerful life-changing insights in 3 of Kimberly Meredith’s most popular videos, available on demand immediately after ordering.
(Video on Demand)Have you ever been curious how Medical Intuitives receive their amazing intuition and guidance which gives them extraordinary information about a person’s medical conditions? Have you ever wanted to learn to become a Medical Intuitive like Kimberly Meredith or Edgar Casey? If you’ve been eager for an opportunity to learn more about Medical Intuition and how to develop your own abilities, this class is perfect for you! This course illuminates the fascinating science of Medical Intuition by providing you a foundational toolbox of mastery skillsIn this amazing experience, you’ll learn:
- What is the science of Medical Intuition?
- How you can develop your own Medical Intuitive abilities
- How to develop your ability to receive, understand and interpret intuitions about your medical conditions
- Opening to your Intuitive Voice
- Sensing information through your Chakras
- Discovering your intuitive view through your body, mind, emotions and Spirit Guides
- Exercise to enhance your mindfulness
- Tools to self diagnose and heal your body through energy healing
- How Edgar Casey used his abilities to help thousands of people
Harvard-trained neurosurgeon Dr. C. Norm Shealy has studied and endorsed Kimberly Meredith and her remarkable abilities.
(Video on Demand)In this intimate and life-changing live channeled webinar, Kimberly and her Guides give personal mediumship readings to attendees to assist with nutritional meal planning, as well as supplement analysis and suggestions. Let’s talk about the super foods and details of your supplements. How are you really digesting your food? This live-channeled webinar is based on chapter 8 of Kimberly’s bestselling book, Awakening to the Fifth Dimension. For your best experience, Kimberly encourages and asks that you kindly read chapter 8 in advance of this webinar. Her book is available everywhere books are sold.In this deeply life-changing webinar, you’ll explore:
- Deepening your commitment to accept healing and modify habits
- Boosting your immune system rather than detoxifying
- Customized nutritional meal planning for vegan, vegetarian, plant base and meat eaters
- Recommendations on super foods to emphasize for your health
- Precautions regarding foods and types of water to avoid
- Supplement analysis and suggestions
- Questions and Answers
This unique and exclusive 2-hour class with Kimberly and her Guides will help you step onto the path of new, healthier ways of living. Kimberly will be providing in detail several nutritional meal plans. Kimberly will describe in detail multiple super foods and supplement suggestions. At the end of the class, Kimberly will give you her favorite recipe!
(Video on Demand)In this critically important online interactive webinar, Kimberly will reveal vitally needed information crucial to protecting oneself against viruses and other microbial infections, including the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.Kimberly will welcome all questions and present detailed channeled information. Through Kimberly’s connection to Guides from the Angelic Realm, Higher Dimensions, and Advanced Civilizations, you will have exclusive access to high-level information about keeping yourself and your loved ones safe and healthy in these uncertain times.Special Guest Matt Pleskovic has been in the nutrition, wellness, and fitness field for over 18 years and has coached over 2100 clients. He is presenter, coach, Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, and coordinates the nutrition and lifestyle department of a disease prevention and reversal clinic.Topics will include:
- Practical examples, tools and tips on how best to protect yourself and your loved ones from viral and bacterial infections
- Effective lifestyle changes you can make to increase your health and reduce your odds of becoming sick even if you become infected
- Powerful foods for boosting the immune system
- Effective supplements to help us stay healthy
- Super healthy smoothie recipes!
- Plus have your questions answered by Kimberly and her Guides!
This class is an informative, ground breaking event featuring exclusive information not available anywhere else!