As Kimberly guides you through the revolutionary 5th Dimensional Ascension process, you will receive help in these areas:
- Learning to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides in the Angelic Realm
- Honestly taking stock of your life and identifying your blockages
- Clearing your blockages
- Rewriting your subconscious mind to include beliefs that will carry you forward, instead of keeping you held back
- Learning about timelines and how they relate to our lives
- Experiencing your Future Self on your Highest Possible Timeline
- Bringing your Future Self’s subconscious patterns and prevalent emotions into the NOW
- Identifying empowered action-steps you can take NOW to move you onto your Highest Possible Timeline
- Developing strategies to make these changes permanent
- Learning how to have Quantum Conversations with your Spirit Guides and the Angelic Realm
Please have your questions ready to be answered at the end of class by Kimberly’s Guides!