Angel Club Zoom Room – April 25 Replay


How To Boost Your Immune System Against Viruses Medical Mediumship Webinar Replay
with Kimberly Meredith and Special Guest Fitness Coach Matt Pleskovic
Recorded Saturday, April 25 @ 2 pm – 4 pm PT / 5 pm – 7 pm ET
Replay will be Available

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Donations are accepted up to $50. Thank you for your generosity.

By purchasing this service I agree to the following disclaimer, privacy, and refund policy: *

Kimberly Meredith is a Medical Intuitive and faith healer. Her healing and health education skills are complementary – alternative healing arts services. I (Kimberly Meredith) am not a licensed physician. By purchasing this service, I agree to willingly participate in The Healing Trilogy faith healing with Kimberly Meredith for spiritual purposes only. I do not hold Kimberly Meredith and/or The Healing Trilogy responsible for anything that befalls me because I have engaged in her services now, or forever.

The Healing Trilogy faith healing sessions with Kimberly Meredith are designed to support individuals on issues of physical and emotional wellness and attunement to the Love of God. Spiritual counseling may occur. It is NOT medical advice, medical practice, nor a replacement for these practices. Individuals looking for medical advice should seek the counsel of a qualified, licensed practitioner.

Additionally, for any online event or session registration, attendees may not bring in guests via mobile devices (i.e., holding up a phone up with Facetime or similar apps and having Kimberly read that person). Separate registration is required.

Events with Guest Presenters
For events with guest presenters, your personal information, including name, email address, and other contact details, may be shared with the guest presenter.

Refunds, Cancellations and Transfers Policy
I understand that there are no refunds for Online sessions, In-Person Medical Intuitive Scans, Event Registrations, or Products. For event registrations, I understand that I will receive email receipts and reminders with the login credentials and if I do not receive them, I will check my SPAM box. If the emails are not there, I will contact The Healing Trilogy. For personal appointments, I may reschedule a personal appointment with 24 hours notice. Transfer of personal appointments to another person is not available. Transfer to other dates for classes and events is not permitted.

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In this critically important online interactive webinar, Kimberly will reveal vitally needed information crucial to protecting oneself against viruses and other microbial infections, including the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.

Kimberly will welcome all questions and present detailed channeled information. Through Kimberly’s connection to Guides from the Angelic Realm, Higher Dimensions, and Advanced Civilizations, you will have exclusive access to high-level information about keeping yourself and your loved ones safe and healthy in these uncertain times.

Matt Pleskovic

Special Guest

Special Guest Matt Pleskovic has been in the nutrition, wellness, and fitness field for over 18 years and has coached over 2100 clients. He is presenter, coach, Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, and coordinates the nutrition and lifestyle department of a disease prevention and reversal clinic.

Topics will include:

  • Practical examples, tools and tips on how best to protect yourself and your loved ones from viral and bacterial infections
  • Effective lifestyle changes you can make to increase your health and reduce your odds of becoming sick even if you become infected
  • Powerful foods for boosting the immune system
  • Effective supplements to help us stay healthy
  • Super healthy smoothie recipes!
  • Plus have your questions answered by Kimberly and her Guides!

These and many more fascinating topics will be  explored in this exciting class. Lots of amazing information will be revealed. You won’t want to miss this amazing opportunity.

This class is an informative, ground breaking event featuring exclusive information not available anywhere else, especially for those who have joined Kimberly’s Angel Club. Bring your best questions and Kimberly’s Guides will answer you through Kimberly’s mediumship.

Please have your questions ready to be answered at the end of class by Kimberly’s Guides!

Remember: Members of Kimberly’s Angel Club get complete exclusive continuing access to all of Kimberly’s past and upcoming events at no additional cost, representing a wonderful value!

This revolutionary information is available free of charge to members of the Angel Club.

We love and respect everyone in our Angel Club family, and we always encourage a collegial and supportive environment.

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